I got a new cellphone the other day! It has a camera on it-- when these camera phones first came out I thought they were the dumbest thing ever-- but now I think they rock. I have like 25 pictures of my dogs and a few of some potato chip bags I found amusing (see 'rap snacks' on beth's blog.) It is too much fun! I also got my mother a cellphone because she really needs one but would never get one for herself. We share minutes... I remember when my mom used to pay my bills...now I'm paying for one of hers, lol. Check friendster for my new number, and take note: it is a local number not one from PENNSYLVANIA. Another thing I currently have and thought was totally unnecessary until I got it, is Digital Cable and a cable modem. Who the hell needs all those channels I thought, well as it turns out, I do. I can listen to any type of music I want any time I want without having to deal with silly videos. Right now I'm watching/listening to the Reggae channel using my cable modem (with my camera phone on my lap, complete with downloaded ringtones such as Hey Ya, and Milkshake-- ingenious!) surounded by small dogs eating rawhide (occassionally barking with the utmost ferocity out the window at k9 passers-by) thinking that life is really easier and easier. Maybe later I'll watch some porn, just because it's on.
Friday, May 28, 2004
Monday, May 24, 2004
What up bitches and ho's (aww yall know i'm jes' playin') I don't have much to say really, but I haven't blogged in a while so I felt the need. Memorial Day weekend is comming up, anyone have plans? Hopefully someone will invite me to a barbecue or something. Perhaps someone is going to throw a rostifarian ho-down, if there is such a thing, and invite me to it. That would be pretty cool. I think I might go to Toronto this weekend, however I cant say for sure until it gets closer. I have not been 'home' to the great TO in quite a while. I need a queen street fix, and some new T-shirts, and some sushi, and some street vendor over priced jewelry. ahh.
Oh and why isnt anyone using friendster anymore?? No one has messaged me in a while, i'm feeling out of the loop. I work from three pm today until midnight at, yeah, starbucks. Someone stop by and visit me PLEASE! I hate that job more and more every time I have to make yet another fucking frappuccino. (pour, scoop, squirt, blend, pour, toppings, lid-- jesus i cant take it anymore) I'll probably get fired for writing this, so starbucks execs please note that this is a joke, I love the company, frappuccinos, cappuccinos, and the mission statement. (That should cover my ass?)
Sunday, May 16, 2004
Monday, May 10, 2004
THIS IS A TRIBUTE TO SARA B. Sara, thanks for always reading the blog, since you are the only one who comments actively I will now write for you a poem, hopefully it wont suck because the only rule is that I will just write it with no editing... Here we go:
Sara B
She found herself
Yesterday, but she always knew where she
was... just maybe not where she was going.
Now she is on the road, her road... in a minivan
that seats 7 but
The days of british accents are not gone
the days of smoking up in the park with the stoners
are still as fresh as ever, even if it has been quite a while.
Officer B what should we do? No wonder things move on
no wonder things grow up, no wonder we get old, things just keep changing
and no good officer can do without her partner, K9 unit, or fast fast squad car.
Fuck boys, fuck jobs, who needs them
friends are forever
Ok that is the poem. I have never tried that before-- writing and not allowing myself to change anything, it was kinda fun.... Thanks for reading SARA B, love ya!
Friday, May 07, 2004
I'm pretty stoned right now. I really need to look for a job. I am having too much fun pretending to be july.
Get this shit... Twinkie ran away today --for like 5 minutes I had to chase his tiny ass all over the elmwook area (ok july's block of ashland and a block of bird ave...) Every time I got close enough to grab him he ran away again. Finally I spotted him near a tree and walked up to him saying loudly and as harshly as possible, "dont move a muscle, where do you think you are going" or something very similar and he stopped, and uh, so did this old lady I didnt notice was getting into a car right next to me. She thought I was going to rob her, and you should have seen the look on her face-- classic. Yeah so basically I scared the crap out of an old lady today and now I'm joking about it. She totally acted like she was never scared, it was the best, the absolute best.
That is all for now, you may be seated.