just some shit to make you think...about how much you love angelator and other issues important to the world.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Oh boy, I feel a mood comming on. I have gone to work dressed all in black two times this week, and damn it felt good. I'm just waiting for someone to comment (I'm jes waitin' on a nigga ta push me...) I have the urge to fly away. Like up and quit my job and kidnap a highschool student to do my bidding and fly away in the blue-but-should-be-black JETTA. I am getting tired of this chirade. WHEW. And now that I think about it, I have had enough of highschool students, so perhaps I will have to do my own bidding afterall... I think I am going to have to start taking my dogs for 5 mile walks and pray I have enough money to make it through the summer. I keep envisioning Ryan swooping in and rescuing me, wearing one of his crazy rysithagoth outfits, shocking everyone we pass as we exit the building...Hmm Ryan if you are reading this, what do you think? Wanna rescue me? Actually that is exactly what I need. A blunt and a good long walk with Ryan. Something tells me that won't be happening any time soon. I'd like to write more but it is almost time for the "Ascension Mass" liturgy. Why am I so anxious?


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