just some shit to make you think...about how much you love angelator and other issues important to the world.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

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Thursday, April 21, 2005

SO This is the 4-20 story. Mine anyway. I had to work 8-4 which kind of sucks cause I like to spend this HIGH HOLY HOLIDAY stoned from wake to drool... but anyway, i digress. Of course I wasn't thinking much about smoking all day, making frappuccino's till my head spun as fast as the blender blades, but I remembered when Baby Bison, Ryonce and Birdman all came in high as hell to get some drinks. It must have been about 3pm. They were very high and anxious for me to get off of work so we could get smoke together. I was still in some work-mode-other-world so I had no idea what was going on... they were rushing me like crazy. I punched out at 4:02 and went to the bathroom. Bison stormed the bathroom after 3 minutes asking if I was done yet. I was like damn calm down. I got into the car and realized that they were rushing me so we could share an all holy 4:20 blunt. I am such a fucking stoner how could I forget 4:20 on 4/20? I got an instant giddy feeling. In 2 minutes flat Ryonce rolled us a blunt, and then we realized we had no lighter. It took 4 tries, but we lit it with the car cigarette lighter and off we went. We began right as the clock hit 420 and was it sweet.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Tomorrow I think I am going to get up early and take my dog for a walk down by the water. The weather has been so nice lately that my mood has been great. Buffalo hasn't had a spring in years. I know for those of you that live out of town this doesnt sound possible but seriously, it will be snowing one week (unil the end of may mind you) and 75 degrees the next. Last year we barely had a summer. It rained at least 4 times a week and almost never reached 65 degrees. It was cold and horrible. I hope this doesnt happen this year.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The great weed drought of 2000 will go down in history of one of the saddest times Buffalo's West Side has ever seen. Before big elections all the big guys in local government and law enforcement start cracking down on drug activity in the area. This particular year they did a very good job 'cleaning up the streets' and we couldn't find weed anywhere for about a month. NO ONE COULD GET US WEED! We were desperate. I called people from work who I wasn't sure even smoked anymore-- to see if they could get me some. My 50-year-old-friend Beva's nephew sold weed. I stalked them both to no avail. They swore there was just no green to be found anywhere. We searched pockets of old jeans and winter coats and drawers and highschool back pacs and under the bed and all over the neighborhood but we still couldn't get our hands on any weed. Everyone got busted or had decided to lay low because they were just catching people left and right. (LUCKILY they don't enforce the laws like this all the time...) It was insane. We got really, really drunk instead but it just isnt the same.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Apparently I am only posting once a week now... Nothing cool has happened, that I really mention. I think that today I might be driving with bison and bird man (or bird poop if you are jesticle) up to dinosaur barbeque in Syracuse but really that doesnt sound like much fun but I will probably go anyway. I was going to get a pedicure today but I dont really feel like shaving my legs so I might as well go and watch them eat some ribs or something. Let me remind the world that barbeque is not on the Atkins diet. Anyway I think it is time to go now.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

For the record, I am smoking weed again. Sobriety is boring in the winter in Buffalo... maybe I'll wait till summer. I am an addict!

The pope died. I am pretty sad about it which is really suprising to me. I have never felt too much for him either way, I didnt love or hate him. Now however I have a lot of compassion for him and I feel really sad that he has died. Catholics believe that he is the representation of GOD on earth. I could never really grasp that so I could never really identify with the holy father, but now I feel for him, I really do. I cried 2 times watching CNN today, and it really freaked out my dogs. Twinkie kept jumping all over my head and theodore was howeling and whining. The pope's main message to the world over these past 26 years of his 'rule' was BE NOT AFRAID. I think that this is an amazing message. Do what you know you must do, and do it boldly, that is what I think that means. I have always lived my life with that in mind, but I never knew it was the popes main message. Maybe I should have paid more attention to him. I think religion is really important. It doesn't matter to me what people believe, but I really think that spirituality in ones life is essential to happiness.

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