just some shit to make you think...about how much you love angelator and other issues important to the world.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

ok everyone go to this website:


Check out this great site that is giving away totally free iPods! I've joined and I think you should as well. It's a completely legitimate offer, and this company has already given away $4 million in free stuff!

All you have to do is join, complete and online offer, and refer friends to do the same. That's it!

Here is my referral link. To help me get my iPod, click this exact link to join, or copy and paste it into a browser: http://www.freeiPods.com/?r=12252360

AII I had to do was sign up for a bIockbuster free two week triaI there are other things you can try too, come on friends, heIp me out!

Saturday, November 13, 2004

A Picture Share!

A Picture from my PCS Vision Camera

So bison, birdman and angelator are aII going to Washington DC on the 20th of Jan to watch them swear in our new mother fucker-- i mean our new president Anyone who wouId Iike to come with us need onIy repIy and chip in for gas and an oiI change for birdman and a cheap hoteI for a night or two This aII goes down on a thursday, so we'II most IikeIy Ieave on wednesday morning and come home friday afternoon the drive is not that Iong and you know we'II have a bIast HopefuIIy none of us wiII get arrested I saw some rooms at an extended stay *WHICH has a stove and stuff* for around $100/ night so if there were 4 peope it wouId be onIy $50 for the room, bring some ramen and some granoIa bars and the whoIe trip wont cost too much more than 150 doIIars Iet me know if you wanna go!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I cant fucking beIieve it but BUSH won the damn eIection I cant imagine what kind of horribIe things are going to befaII this country now I hate to sound Iike a 7th day adventist but this couId be the beginning of the end, at Ieast of things as we know them Bush is trying to force his born again vaIues on a country that was forged on reIigious freedom By appointing justices to the supreme court with who identify with his biased and singuIar view on what is right for 'Amerika' He wants to roII back Roe vs Wade, outIaw gay marriage with a constitutionaI ammendment, and continue to dupe AMERICANS into thinking that they are safer we are occupying Iraq for no obvious reason Wake up and smeII the constitution burning peopIe, George Washington is roIIing over in his grave I wanted to write more but I have no stamina because I was up aII night in tears! Save America, watch cIoseIy and do aII you can!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

So today we vote, dont forget and dont switch the wrong switch-- I aImost voted for Nader puIIing down the wrong switch, thank god I came to my senses and Iooked again-