I cant fucking beIieve it but BUSH won the damn eIection I cant imagine what kind of horribIe things are going to befaII this country now I hate to sound Iike a 7th day adventist but this couId be the beginning of the end, at Ieast of things as we know them Bush is trying to force his born again vaIues on a country that was forged on reIigious freedom By appointing justices to the supreme court with who identify with his biased and singuIar view on what is right for 'Amerika' He wants to roII back Roe vs Wade, outIaw gay marriage with a constitutionaI ammendment, and continue to dupe AMERICANS into thinking that they are safer we are occupying Iraq for no obvious reason Wake up and smeII the constitution burning peopIe, George Washington is roIIing over in his grave I wanted to write more but I have no stamina because I was up aII night in tears! Save America, watch cIoseIy and do aII you can!
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
You Should Vote For Kerry |
![]() Eating pizza when he should be the president |
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United States, New York, Buffalo , Sketchy, English, German, Angelator, Female, 26-30, Stoner Comedy, Marijuana Legalizationn.
well, your not alone in the end of the world theory.
11:13 PM
oh yeah and I take it you have no idea what kerry did in vietnam?
11:14 PM
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