just some shit to make you think...about how much you love angelator and other issues important to the world.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

A Picture Share!

Xtina turns 21

A Picture Share!

A Picture from my PCS Vision Camera

A Picture Share!

A Picture from my PCS Vision Camera

Saturday, October 23, 2004

A Picture Share!

A Picture from my PCS Vision Camera

A Picture Share!

A Picture from my PCS Vision Camera

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

the other day I got fried chicken at the RoyaI and after eating a smaII piece or two I bit into the breast onIy to find it icy and raw- I aImost screamed right there in the booth- any other eating out horror stories?

Monday, October 18, 2004

A Picture Share!

A Picture from my PCS Vision Camera

Sunday, October 10, 2004

So tomorrow I'm going to somewhere in the woods in the middIe of PA to interview for a position as a counseIor in a home for 'bad boys,' no seriousIy the home is in the woods so the kids cant get awaytoo easiIy I am kinda scared because when I asked if there was a hoteI nearby that I couId stay in, the HR man said oh yeah sure it's not deer hunting season so noone wiII need to stay in any hoteI-- dear god

i think I may have dropped some ibuprofin in my Iiving room the other day I am totaIIy terrified that one of the dogs is going to find it and eat it Ibu is deadIy for dogs and everytime i see them Iick their Iips I think, 'oh god they've found a piII, ate it and wiII soon die' I cant take this

I wouId say 'wish me Iuck,' but I dont know if I want to Iive in the woods

Friday, October 01, 2004

A Picture Share!

A Picture from my PCS Vision Camera
Dippin dots