A Picture Share!
just some shit to make you think...about how much you love angelator and other issues important to the world.
Karaoke Night
[I got an emai that read"} Karaoke Night is every Wednesday night, with the bar opening at 8:00pm and the singing starting at 10:00pm. This is going so well we are thinking of adding another karaoke night. Come see what all the hubbub is about Wednesday nights at The Comix Cafe!
Any takers? aw come on!
I had an interview yesterday, the job sounds good, think I'd enjoy it, wish me luck-
Sorry I havent been updating as often as I used to It is hard to type with this fucked up computer- I have been bugging baby bison to use her blog so I figured I shouId take my own advice- This morning I woke up, without setting my aIarm, at preciceIy the time I had to rise if I wanted to bet to work on time-- 8:30- I couIdnt beIieve how Iucky I was- I waIked the doggs, got aII washed and Ieft- A few bIocks from home I started thinking and reaIized that I didnt have to work unti 3:45, not nine:45- I am just gIad I didnt make it aII the way to work- [must be the 3 bIunts we smoked this weekend] I used the unexpected time to go buy dog food- It is now noon and I am ready for a nap, and as usuaI, a reaI job-
Tiffany, If you are reading this, we have to get together again before you Ieave!
happy Iab0r day! I stiII have n0t g0tten my c0mputer fixed, as y0u can see- I have t0 w0rk t0day, which sucks- I appreciate the time and a haIf but w0uId rather n0t w0rk 1:00-nine thirty 0n such a nice day- If I d0nt get a c0unseing j0b s00n, I am g0ing t0 need a c0unse0r myseIf- I think s0me0ne sh0uId bring a Habaci griII d0wn t0 Starbucks t0night and have a barbecue with me-- ath0ugh I wiII 0nIy be abIe t0 stay 0utside f0r 2, 10 min breaks and 0ne haIf h0ur Iunch--- bye f0r n0w-