I think I may have found a house!!!!! It is a Double so I will have rental income. Each unit has 3 bedrooms and a sun room and a fire place and hardwood floors and it is wonderful. It has a good sized yard and it is in a nice area. I can't fucking believe it! It is also right near JULY'S house. How odd that we both found new houses so close together-- best friends and great minds and fate and er yeah I'm pretty excited. The commute to work will be a bit longer but whatever I don't care...
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Friday, July 01, 2005
It has definately been a while since I last posted so if you are reading this thanks for still checking for updates.
I am doing stand-up at the comix cafe on wednesday if anyone is interested. Please come, please clap and cheer. I go on right before Karoke so er, you cant miss me... I hope I can write some funny jokes by then. I think the show is at like 7 or 8 or something. I guess I have a couple of days to figure it out. There is a guy I kind of like who I have been doing this crazy starbucks mating dance with for the past 4 or 5 years who will be there, so I have to really bring down the house. I also need a killer outfit, I am not sure which will be more difficult to come by. When I met this guy I thought, hmm I bet I'll end up marrying this kid That was years ago, so I guess I should probably give him a chance and start dating him, or at least think about returning his calls. I hate dating though. It is so structured. I like being the master of my own time and you just aren't when you are with someone. If I remember correctly he has a relatively large dong so maybe that will make up for it.
I am really hungry right now but I dont have any food. Oh well it would take me at least a month to starve to death wouldn't it?
It is the 4th of July weekend and boy am I excited. This is my FAVORITE holiday. Some of my fondest childhood memories take place in my neighbors yard on July 4th just eating hot dogs and watching home made fire works displays all over the neighborhood, never mind that fireworks are illegal in NY. I dont have any set in stone plans as of yet for this year, but I'm sure it will all shape up and I cant wait.