just some shit to make you think...about how much you love angelator and other issues important to the world.

Friday, April 30, 2004

Well hello there folks and thanks for stopping by... I haven't been posting as often as I'd like cause I have been busy housesitting and dog sitting and fish sitting and plant sitting-- whew... it is hard work! Ok really it isnt hard work, I'm fine walking around the house pretending to be July, eating food I didn't pay for, changing channels on the TiVo (I like my adelphia DVR better actually but I digress...) with the hugest big-baller remote control I have ever seen. I literally saw the same remote on MTV cribs, fucking, what is that guy's name, the phat pharm guy... I dont remember, but he has one, but July has 3, and one is broken. I hope I did not break it... beth assures me that it was broken before we got there. High tech man. Five dogs is a little much though, with my two and her two and beth's occasionally it gets a little barky, but I am fairly sure the doggies are having the time of their lives. Someone actually called animal control last week because of the noise. I could imagine them rolling up on July's porch (not poarch, thanks bison) and peering in the window and seeing a house full of ethan allen furnature and 4 pure bread, show quality dogs and one high quality mix (yeah he is high quality, even if he has been hit in the head one too many times and has definately munched his share of stolen 5 bags off of the coffee table while we were rolling our blunts) ah my babies... I came to find out that he called animal control because he is trying to sell his house and thought that dogs barking in the adjacent yard would hinder that... motherfucker, you dont call fucking animal cops for barking-- you walk your fat ass around the fence to see your neighbor and explain the situation, WHICH he did, but yelling over the fence all angry like at me a week after he originally called. Do you know what sicillians do to people who call the cops on them... asshole. I made him feel stupid though because instead of yelling back or hopping the fence and kicking him in the teeth, as my first intention dictated, I WAS sweet and understanding. He appologized for his angry tone. I was stunned, thankyou Mr. Rogers. Good thing beth wasnt there, we would have had fucking dog patrol on the front lawn and the swat team in the back yard.

I miss you guys (I assume that the only people who read this are people I know personally... how wierd would it be if other people read it...) we all have to hang out.

My Gramma turned 80 today. Damn. that is old... amazingly old. congrats gram, not that she reads this, but just the same happy birthday gramma.


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