just some shit to make you think...about how much you love angelator and other issues important to the world.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

I cleaned my house today... or we cleaned our house or whatever--I can't believe it has been kept up since christmas. Anyone who had seen my house pre-christmas 2003 understands the feat that this is. In the TV show of my life the guy in the front of the audience will be holding up the APPLAUSE sign right now.

I can't wait to have some nice (smokey) summer nights on the poarch again. (Birdman is in my presence right now and he is rapping along with 2-Pac on the stereo...woa.) The weather is getting nice again. Maybe we could soon be making wax sculptures again out of old melted candles.

Someone offered me a free shi-tzu today. I can't have another dog living in my apartment but maybe you can... if anyone (who knows me) wants it, let me know, and I'll see if my friend will give it to you instead of me. I mean, I want it of course but lets don't be silly.

!Bombs over Baghdad! I'm about to go to 'partner 40 fun night' where me and some other baristas will drink 40 ouncers at brendon's house. It should be cool although I have to still pack for my mini-trip NYC. I will be so pissed off if this doesn't turn out right... the trip, not partner 40 fun night.

Oh yeah let me officially give props to Bobcat and Flippin Wench for being cool and reading this here blogg- ya'll rock!

My mom keeps nagging me to give her a suitcase to take on her trip to Florida. I'd have given it to her a week ago when she asked but since she made the point that she is going to have to air it out (as if i let my dogs shit in it) she isn't getting it until tomorrow. Seriously, what the fuck?

Dolla dolla bills yall-- talk to you later


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