just some shit to make you think...about how much you love angelator and other issues important to the world.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

I was gonna clean my room, but then I got high- words by afroman, sentiment understood by all but the most diligent of stoners--angelator

About 1 year and 1 month ago I began cleaning my room. I piled everything onto my bed and then got kinda sick of cleaning and left it for like 7 months. I then went in and moved some stuff around and threw some stuff out. Fast foreward to Today... I can finally see the floor in some spots and i could definately get to my bed if I wanted to... Once I stopped sleeping in there it became a room to toss things into and it got really bad. I have like 43000 pillows. I dont know why i would have so many... I have nowhere to put them. I also have a lot of college books that I really dont need. What the hell should I do with them? I graduated in 2000, so noone is going to be able to use them now...fuck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

angela. u sound like me.

i havent cleaned my room in i cant remember when.

i just keep wearing and washing the same like 5 outfits. hoping noone realizes.

3:20 AM

Blogger Angela said...

they wont realize...

7:57 PM


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