just some shit to make you think...about how much you love angelator and other issues important to the world.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Hi stoners! Yesterday I finally did it. That's right-- I got my first tattoo. It isn't anything huge that I can brag about really, but still I'm proud of it. It is simple but it is very me. I really thought it would have hurt much more than it actually did, but then again I love pain so maybe it did hurt-- but I was concentrating on not having an orgasm in the chair pictured below -- in front of July and Jay the tattoo guy so uh, I digress, and yes this is a run-on sentence but I'm high so fuck it. That may be too much information, but I refuse to hold back with my stoners. The most unbelievable thing about the whole ordeal, other than that it wasn't planned, is that they were playing my fucking favorite song while I was getting inked. Sisters of Mercey MOTHER RUSSIA was on the cd player while my third star was getting done. How fucking poetic is that? Let me say, simple though it may be, this tattoo's meaning is pretty sincere. I'm gonna get a little sentimental here and describe why I got what I got... You can see the tat pictured above this post... Five black stars. Each represents to me something really important to me that I could not live without: Weed, Sex, Weed, Coffee, and Drugs. No No NO... I'm joking, merely joking. The stars actually represent my deep and sincere love for my bitches. Who is my bitches? You know who you is.

On second thought I have to talk to my bithces. Ho's I miss you. I know I'm probablly gonna get stomped for this in the 'press' but every one of us (except me of course) is acting really insincere and immature right now and we need to cut the shit and get back together. I thought about getting only three stars for me and my two sisters, but really I have four sisters and although we havn't hung out all togheher in a year and although I didnt know how much I was missing until I contemplated getting an appreviated tattoo, I do miss nights out on the porch on barton street or in the back yard or god, at parkdale or hartman or plymouth or roycroft or fucking delaware park at 5 miles per hour 5 blunts to the wind. Fuck Jason. 20 years is a long time and I once read a line in a home made birthday card that brought tears to my eyes which said we 'had a bond so strong that could never be broken' and it is time to get back to what we know, eachother. Sure wrongs have been done and feelings have been hurt but can we really do this forever. I do not in any way shape or form mean to say that people's opinions or hurt feelings are not valid because believe me, I UNDERSTAND. But face it, you always get the maddest at the people you love the most intensely. Have you had (honestly now...) very much fun without being all together? I haven't. We cant let this era pass us by acting like it never happened. People need to get what they need to say out on the table and see if we cant find some common ground. We dont have to smoke together to hang out, we weren't smoking or dating or drinking when we were wearing matching black blazers calling ourselves the 'mondo buddies' and we dont have to do that now. I have tryed to stay out of all of this but I just cant. I realized that even if no one is officially mad at me I have really lost something with everyone fighting. It can still be like it was before we just have to get over our egos and rember we love eachother. Think to yourself about our backstreet boys song, if you dont get a tear in your eye over the silent line in remembrance of christina you really have lost your heart... SO now, hopefully noone is mad at me but if you are you arent who I thought you were... I give you all a lot of credit, you have done great things with your lives but there is something huge missing. There is a huge hole in my live (all of our lives)where the stoners used to be (admit it!) Lets have a barbeque, PLEASE!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if it's my place or not to say anything about anything, but I would just like to add a couple things... I don't want anyone to be mad at me, and I hope no one has taken the impression that I chose sides... but let me tell you... I'm the first one to cry about how I miss sitting around and getting stoned... There is nothing going on RIGHT NOW that's anywhere NEAR as fun as it was 3 years ago when I started hanging out with yous. I'd also like to add that you all welcomed me so graciously into everything that I've felt like I've known you all since I was a kid.

5:05 PM

Blogger baby bison said...

WEST SIDE! Oh jesticle, I still love you. I understand that it's kind of impossible not to take sides when it comes to this sort of thing. But regardless of what a certain person thinks, I believe the summer is not yet wasted.

Last summer I made it a point not to become involved with all the he said/she said catty bullshit. I am not going to get lodged up in the wench shithole of drama. Grow up already, FW, this isn't Amherst Central. I refuse to be swayed anymore. Even when all of us were together, when something went down, and she didn't want someone there she would say "let's just have it be 'us' tonight". Well what exactly is "us", barbara? Cause I'm pretty sure it's been all of us since we were babies, and you're not going to change that. You can exclude yourself, take your ball home, and fantasize about losing your flower to Rufio, but you're sure as fuck not going to ruin any relationships I have worked on for a whole lifetime. Fuck you for acting so childish. Baby Bison has kept her mouth shut for a whole year now, and that is an accomplishment that you should at least be mildly appreciative of. You are creating drama that does not need to happen. You are attempting to make your life amusing by plotting people against each other, and it's unacceptable behavior, we are not children anymore. People made mistakes, and people were probably told false information that extended this balloon beyond its proportion. I've already apologized, but if you need to hear it again, all you have to do is throw me an email or give me a call. No matter how you feel about me, i will always love you.

We're having a Star Wars Themed Party tonight, the 18th of June 2005. Bring a cape and a sword and your stoner wrestling gear. EVERYONE IS INVITED.

12:30 PM


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